Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, Acupuncture, Weight Loss
Chiropractic care helps restore the body’s natural structure to its optimal state prior to lifestyle, injury or other circumstances misaligning it.
Acupuncture has been helping people for a long time and has been becoming more widespread and popular in the US in the last 20 years.
Exercises may vary and change from patient to patient, but the goal is always the same. The aim of a rehabilitation program is to regain pre-injury levels.
Blueprint to Weight Loss is a simple, fast, fun weight loss program that allows the patient and the doctor to have an auto-pilot program with fast, permanent results.
Neuropathy Reversal has been a dramatically effective solution for thousands of patients. Read more if this break-through treatment is right for you.
Naturally slim, shape and tone all areas of the body safely without surgery or pain. Contour Light is effective on body areas that are resistant to diet and exercise
The doctors at Align Health & Wellness specialize in whiplash treatment for patients who have suffered car accident injuries.
Spinal Decompression Therapy is a treatment that helps alleviate pain associated with the discs in the spine that are between vertebrae.
Laser therapy is a non-invasive, painless, low level laser that stimulates damaged tissues, enhancing the progress of healing & providing relief from pain & inflammation.
Feel healthier now! Our medical professionals provide personalized nutritional counseling for weight loss, energy, improving immune system.